However, there is not a lot of evidence to support this. Thousands of years after his reign, Khufu is widely believed to have been a cruel king to the Egyptian people. Khufu had nine sons and fifteen daughters, and every one of them was somehow placed in the royal court with impressive positions.

It has been suspected that he was the victim of foul play, perhaps murdered by Djedefre, one of his brothers. However, Prince Kawab died before Khufu and was never able to assume his kingship. It was Queen Merities (his principal wife) who gave birth to Khufu’s heir to the throne, Prince Kawab. Khufu married Queen Meritites and Queen Henutsen. Khufu’s mother was Queen Hetepheres, who was likely Snefru’s half sister. Khufu’s father, Snefru, first king of the 4th dynasty, was granted kingship through marriage, instead of like most kings who were declared kingship through birthright. King Khufu is also known under his hellenized name Cheops (or Khêops).

The Greeks gave Khufu the name “Cheops” and he is probably best known throughout history by this name. Known by many names, Khufu, whose full name was Khnum-Khufwy, means “Khnum Protects Me.” Khnum was the ancient Egyptian ram-headed god of procreation, water and fertility.